Dfo flauncher phy attack or strength or independent
Dfo flauncher phy attack or strength or independent

dfo flauncher phy attack or strength or independent

Today, its skyline consists of grotesque buildings and streets in complete disrepair. Before Pandemonium broke away from planet Terra, it was the center of a thriving civilization and culture.

  • The westernmost tip of Pandemonium and one of the latter's three major regions.
  • F.Brawl is Female Brawler, M.Brawl is Male Brawler. May also stand for Blade Master or Blood Mage.
  • A common abbreviation for Battle Mage.
  • A more extended abbreviation for Battle Mage.
  • An abbreviation for "Best-in-Slot." This refers to either specific pieces of Equipment or Enchants that's considered highly recommended for all available classes.
  • dfo flauncher phy attack or strength or independent

    A term used by the DFO community to describe the Mana Shield Set that's based on the Protoss from Starcraft.It can also refer to a anime adaptation known as Arad Senki: Slap up Party.A title given to the Japanese version of Dungeon Fighter Online.


    An in-game term used to refer to the series of stats consisting of Physical Atk., Magical Atk., and Independent Atk.A catch-all term for all Buffer's First Awakening skill, which can provide party members besides the Buffer an increase in stats.An abbreviation of Apocalypse, the Male Crusader's First Awakening skill.An abbreviation for "Area of Effect", referring to the zone around a character affected by their spells, powers or other abilities.A catch-all term referring to the player's level 100 Neo: Awakening skill.A catch-all term referring to the player's level 75 Second Awakening skill.A catch-all term referring to the player's level 50 First Awakening skill.1, 3, 7, and 9 correlate to diagonal directions, meaning pressing two keys at the same time.For example, 26z means down, right, z 48z means left, up, z.The numbers correspond to the arrows on the number pad. 24z, 48z, etc.: common terms for arrow key presses in certain directions and then a key.

    Dfo flauncher phy attack or strength or independent